الأربعاء، 22 أغسطس 2007

Leila and the Wolf

Leila and the Wolf

Once upon a time . There was a girl called Leila. Her mom told her to take the sweets to her Grand mom. Her Mom told Leila told her not to talk to anyone during her way to her Grand mom.

During the way Leila has seen a rabbit, the rabbit told her what is in the basket, she told him "sweets". The rabbit Is it delicious? Go on and don’t speak to anyone…. The Wolf heard them talking,,,,, He went before her from an other way. He passed in front of her face…. The Wolf told her where are you going? She told him I am going to my Grand mom. He asked her what is in the basket?? ,,,, He told her do you want a suitable way ? She answered YES. The Wolf to her Grand mom house and imitated her and slept in her place.

Leila came to her Grand mom house,,,, She said to her Grand mom Why your mouth is so big? The Wolf said because I want to kill you ,,,,,,,The farmer heard Leila's voice,,,,. The farmer went to the house that produces a little girl's voice………To be Continued in your MiNd.,,,,,,,

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